Studio Owner


My name is Olga .

I was born in Ukraine .


In 2014 completed the full course of The state institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named K.D.Ushynsky "

Obtained complete higher education in the specialty "English Language and Literature”

Learn English and foreign literature.


Love bring me to Switzerland, beautiful country. I live with my husband and our lovely daughter Marta in Dotzigen. 


By the reason that my education is not accepted in Switzerland - I decide to make my hobby and passion, thats why Im hier. With my own studio , desire and  help from another people I wish I can make world more beautiful.


I tried all possible ways for depilation .Waxing , shaving,Sugaring.Thats why I can say from my own experience that method wich I propose you is effective , softly , fast and the most safest.

WhatsApp : 079 902 60 37

E-mail : info.olgablaser@gmail.com  


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Aareweg 4, 3293 Dotzigen

Tel: 079 902 60 37



Nach Vereinbarung - By appointment